"Happy, Safe and Valued; Making Progress through Partnerships"

Board of Governors 2024-2028 Reconstitution took place on 20th January 2025.


The Board of Governors are the managing committee of the school and delegate the day to day running of the school to the Principal. The Board of Governors of our school is representative of the whole school community and the members are listed below: 

Chair of Governors: Mr. James Mulholland

Vice Chair of Governors: Mrs. Rosemary McCormick

Designated Governor for Child Protection and Parent Governor: Mrs. Amy Hunter

Transferor Governor: Mr. John Devlin

Transferor Governor: Rev. David Ferguson

Transferor Governor: TBC

EA Governor: Mr. Andrew McAnallen 

Parent Governor: Mr. Neil McMaster

Teacher Representative: Mrs. Katie Ledger

Teacher Representative: Miss Cealách Lavelle


Raising a Concern- a brief guide

Ballycastle Integrated Primary School seeks to be a ‘listening school’ and will do its best to enable parents/guardians to feel confident to raise issues and concerns with appropriate staff.

As a school, we welcome suggestions for reviewing and enhancing our support for your child.

If you have a concern it would be appreciated that you tell the school as soon as possible as it can be difficult to investigate an incident or problem which may have happened some time ago.


What to do first

Most concerns and complaints can be sorted out quickly by speaking with your child’s class teacher.   If you have an issue which you feel should be considered by the Principal, Mrs McGuigan, you should contact her as soon as possible. It is usually best to discuss the problem face to face. To do this you will need an appointment which can be arranged by contacting the school office on 028 207 62496. The same arrangement applies if you wish to speak with your child’s teacher. We will make every effort to resolve your problem speedily and efficiently. We will discuss what you feel went wrong, and we will explain what will be done to follow up your complaint. As well as helping to resolve the immediate difficulty it is hoped that speaking with you will help to prevent a similar problem arising again.

What to do next

If you have addressed your complaint to a teacher and are dissatisfied with the response you can make your concern known to the Principal.

If your complaint relates to the Principal, then it should be referred to the Chairperson of the Board of Governors. You should write to the Chairperson at the school address and the correspondence will be passed on.

If we are unaware of your concern we will be unable to address it – therefore it is important that you speak to the right person i.e. the class teacher or Principal in order for the matter to be resolved. 

Anonymous complaints are treated as comments on the basis that the school has no recourse to the complainant.  


Our complete Complaints Policy is located under the drop down tab 'Our School' 'Policies' on the home page of our website.