

Literacy objectives this term:
Writing objectives:

  • Recount: writing recounts of our Christmas holidays and understand the features of this type of writing.
  • Report writing: to look at the features of a written report and research facts and traditions about the festival of Chinese New Year. Use this information to produce our own reports about the festival including the use of heading and sub-headings in our work.
  • Explanation text: comparing how our lives are similar and different from children in Africa and giving reasons for this.
  • Narrative: diary entries for a Day in the Life of an African child.
  • Poetry: writing poems describing African animals and their features.
    Grammar objectives:  
  • Punctuation: continue to apply what we know about punctuation to our daily written work and to try to use a range of punctuation in our writing, when appropriate.
  • Alphabetical order: revising and consolidating looking at second and third letters in a word to put words into alphabetical order.
  • Regular and irregular past tense: to know how to change verb endings into past tense and apply these to written work.
  • Plurals: to learn the different word endings for plurals, depending on spelling rules.
  • Homophones: to understand that homophones are words that sound the same with different spellings and know when to use the correct spelling in the appropriate context in our written work.
    We will also be continue to develop our:
    Reading skills through guided reading and continuing to progress through the Accelerated Reader Scheme.
    Spelling skills through our weekly spelling homeworks and learning how to spell High Frequency Words correctly and accurately in our written work.
    Handwriting by practising and developing letter formation and learning to join letters together.



  • Numeracy objectives this term:  
  • Place value: Reading and writing numbers to 1000. Being able to identify the value of a 3 digit number and add/subtract tens and hundreds.
  • Addition and Subtraction: addition and subtraction of hundreds, tens and units. Using and applying our knowledge of number bonds to add and subtract 3 digit numbers including carrying over and exchange including solving word problems and develop our understanding of mathematical language.
  • Multiplication and division: Exploring multiplication patterns and learning facts for x2, x5, x10 tables initially before extending to x3 and x4 and learning corresponding division facts.
  • Fractions: exploring the concept of ½, 1/4, 1/8, 1/3, 1/6 in shapes and applying work from division to work on fractions of numbers also.
  • 2D & 3D shape: naming and identifying the names and features and properties of common 2D and 3D shapes and being able to classify shapes according to their properties.
  • Calendars: to be able to extract information from a calendar, know how many days are in a year and days per month.
  • Right angles and turns: explore and identify what a right angle is and through practical activities explore turns ¼, ½, ¾ and full turns both clockwise and anticlockwise directions.



  • WAU objectives this term:  
  • Our themes this term are: “Let’s Celebrate” and “World’s Apart”.
  • To research and discover more about different festivals including Chinese New Year, Burn’s Night and New Year.
  • Design and create our own Chinese dragons.
  • Planning our own birthday party invitations and designing these on screen using a range of word processing skills and drawing tools.
  • Design our own Tartan as part of our work on Burn's Night.
  • Designing tessellating “wrapping paper”.
  • Learning about different cultures and lifestyles – life in Africa.
  • Comparing and contrasting how our lives are similar and different.
  • Recreating our own tribal dances.
  • Developing our artistic skills to produce African sunsets.
  • Learning how our actions can affect others – e.g. poachers endangering the lives of animals and the threat of extinction.