
Welcome to P3!


Find out what we will be getting up to in Literacy, Numeracy and the World Around Us this term. 


Spring Term Literacy

We will be busy talking about, planning and writing our own newspaper reports to give information about the Great Fire of London.   We will investigate how recipes are presented and will write our own instructions for making buns.  We will learn about Samuel Pepys and write our own diary account of the fire.

We will develop our knowledge of verbs and how they can describe the past, present or future.  We will use our knowledge of the alphabet to begin to use dictionaries.  We will find out about adjectives and apply these to our own narrative writing to make it more interesting.

We will have lots of fun in our phonics lessons by playing a variety of games and activities to improve our spelling.


Spring Term Numeracy

We will compare and order 2-digit numbers.  We will learn about halves and quarters using shapes and sets of objects.  We will use a 100 square to add/subtract 10 and multiples of 10, then 11, 21, 9 and 19.

During mental maths sessions we will take part in a variety of mental maths games in class and on the IWB to improve our confidence and ability in working with number.  We will practise addition, subtraction, doubles, near doubles and odd/even numbers.

In data handling, we will use venn diagrams and carroll diagrams to sort and group.  We will use frequency tables to collect information and make block graphs to represent the data we collect.  We will interpret simple graphs.

We will learn to tell the time using an analogue clock and investigate the properties of 2d and 3d shapes.

We will investigate length using a range of non-standard units.

Spring Term World Around Us

Our topic this term will be 'SAFETY FIRST'.  

We will research the ‘Great Fire of London’ and find out important key information on this historical event.  We will find out about Samuel Pepys and compare fire-fighting today and in 1666. 

We will have fun in art making a class frieze of the city of London on fire and making 3d models of Tudor houses to display in our own ‘Pudding Lane’ in our classroom. 

 We will talk about potential dangers in the home and how we can try and avoid them.  We will find out how animals use camouflage to keep safe.  We will consider stranger danger and road safety.